In clinic we hear the same line, time and again, from people who are active in their jobs and places of work: I don't need to exercise because I get a lot of physical activity at work. But there is sufficient evidence to suggest that being physical at work is not the same as exercising. Yes, that even includes if you do heavy and repetitive lifting.
Physical activity is defined as "any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that requires energy expenditure", where as exercise
is defined as "movement that is planned, structured, and repetitive for the purpose of conditioning any part of the body. Exercise is used to improve health, maintain fitness, and is important for physical rehabilitation".
Exercise conditions your muscles, helps to increase stamina, reduces dysfunction, and prevents injury; this is especially true for people with physical jobs as they are more susceptible to workplace injury. Conditioning your body to perform different movements other than the repetitive actions you undertake at work is beneficial for workplace safety and longevity.
Quashing the cycle of excuses.
It's easy to make excuses and stay in our comfort zone of inaction/ inactivity. As humans we are programmed to lean into what we're familiar and comfortable with, even if it's detrimental to our health. Let's debunk the top three common excuses we hear in the clinic:
- I don't have enough time
You're busy, we get it! But we're going to flat out call that one a lie. You don't need to take massive amounts of time of out your schedule to move your body. Everyone has a spare couple of minutes in their day to rack up those steps, do some jumping jacks, or lunge on the spot. Brushing your teeth takes two mins, why not do some calf raises in front of the mirror at the same time? Try taking the stairs at the train station/ work instead of the elevator. Waiting for the kettle to boil so you can have a cuppa? Hold on to the kitchen bench for support and do some squats. - I'm too tired
We hear you! Life is busy and we're tired too. The good news is, moving your body actually boosts your energy and heightens your mental clarity. So when you get home, change into those walking shoes, grab your partner, kids, the dog, or just some headphones and pound that pavement! Instead of lazing on the couch for 15 mins browsing through your endless paid subscriptions trying to decide what to watch, you can do a quick Google search on your blockie walk and have a concrete choice by the time you get back home! It's win-win!!
- I get enough exercise at work
Whilst being physically active at work is important, there are a few things that you can incorporate to immensely benefit your overall health. An example of this would be cardio exercise. Cardio conditions your circulatory system which can help to lower your overall blood pressure and ease the likelihood of chronic health diseases.